2021 Season Summary

Thanks to all of this year's Grandview Waterfront Products customers for a fabulous summer cottage products season! We were fortunate to get off to an early start with the ice off of most lakes by mid April. This initiated both dock and port installations to begin which continued through May. A pleasant June allowed many cottagers to open up early and with deliveries of PWCs from the dealerships, port sales were strong. As we rolled into July, swim rafts were the next hot seller and before I knew it, almost all items were sold out. Re-supply from Wave Armor, ShoreMaster and Lighthouse was a problem during the summer months due to high production demand, labour shortages, raw materials issues and COVID restrictions. In order to minimize problems in 2022, all of the manufacturers are recommending that 2022 booking orders be submitted as early as possible this fall. If you are thinking of a waterfront product for next year, please contact me as soon as possible. I will be updating our website with 2022 pricing as soon as it is available.
Regards, Richard Hatkoski
- Richard Hatkoski
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